Friday, August 03, 2012

Product Review: Nashbar C-Force Trainer

Needless to say, everyone knows riding a bicycle in the outdoors is where it's at. But in Olympia, WA, sometimes the outdoors are soggy and wet and it's actually not where you want to be.

I was at my local Goodwill a few weeks back and, like usual, I scanned over the section with bicycles and exercise equipment of different shapes and sizes. I knew that the prospect of finding a working bicycle trainer at Goodwill was slim, but ever since about a year ago, when I saw a gentleman in line at the register with a trainer in hand, I've been casually keeping my eyes open, hoping that one day I'd get lucky and find a trainer.

This day was my lucky day, and coincidentally, it was Friday the 13th. I found the trainer, and without getting too excited, examined it for flaws that would lead me to some reason why it was even there and for the price of twelve dollars and ninety nine cents. I couldn't find anything that would stop me from using it. It was completely functional!

Once I got it home, I began to set it up and it worked great. I was stoked. I've never used a trainer before but after trying to emulate what a trainer does with an ancient exercise bicycle, this was bliss. I was so stoked on the idea that if the weather was bad and I wanted to ride, I could hope on the trainer and pedal away and not on some creaky machine, but on my own bicycle.

Riding an exercise bicycle is not like riding your own bicycle. The geometry is completely different, you're not in the same saddle you ride every day, and the list can go on and on. There is no transition for discomfort or awkwardness because the trainer is a resource that allows you to train on the same machine that you ride on the streets. It's amazing.

Search your Goodwill today, folks! Because it could be your lucky one.

- RideaBicycle

1 comment:

Mark S said...

This trainer is (was?) also marketed as the QuickStand trainer, in black with white labeling instead of white with black letters.